The SanderDads group is meant to build a thriving social life for Dads within the Sanderling community, where you can build relationships with parents that have the same view of the Waldorf education and its importance to our children. The SanderDads take part in fun outings focused on relaxing and having fun, and also attend gatherings at hosted locations that facilitate our growth and learning as parents and fathers. We also get involved with other Sanderling groups to come together to support the school activities and needs around the campus. You’ll find that Sanderling Waldorf is not just a school, it’s a community. To get involved with SanderDads, please contact Scott Gavin.
SanderScouts leads monthly outings open to all children and parents to be in nature together. We hike and explore wonderful local wild areas. A few times per year we head out for the whole weekend for camping excursions together.
To meet the child's fundamental need to explore in nature. At gatherings we will walk, run, hike, laugh out loud, play hide-and-seek, climb trees, build forts, get messy, jump rocks, collect bugs, watch birds, roll in the sand and enjoy - as a community - all of the magical opportunities that Mother Nature provides. Our hope is that by communing in nature, we will build and foster an appreciation and reverence for our natural environment; and in turn, we can encourage our children to become earnest stewards of our earth and INSPIRE A LIFE-LONG LOVE AFFAIR WITH THE OUTDOORS.
Beachcombers is a casually paced group beach walk at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas. Open to all, it's an opportunity to connect Sanderling Parents and their friends with each other and with nature. Optional coffee/tea at a local coffee shop concludes the walk.