Emergency Procedures
The following are the regulations regarding emergency procedures for Sanderling Waldorf School, which correspond to the California State School Emergency Policies. For a downloadable document, click the links below.
Shadowridge Campus Emergency Procedures
Magnolia Campus Emergency Procedures
Emergency Communication Policy
In the event of an emergency involving an early release from school, Sanderling will initiate the Emergency communications process, which will alert families that school is dismissing immediately. For a downloadable document explaining this, click here.
Policy on the Use of Electronic Media
The philosophy of Sanderling Waldorf School is based upon an understanding of the developing child. While television and other media can serve as a source of information and entertainment for adults, children do not operate in the same developmental stage as adults. Recent research has shown that exposure to media entertainment for young children may have a detrimental effect upon their self-image, their ability to concentrate and develop attention span, their relationship skills, values, reading skills, physical skills, energy levels, psychological health, creativity and social behavior.
Because we believe that the impact of electronic media can have detrimental effects on a child’s healthy growth and development, we encourage families to incorporate our media-free philosophy into their children’s daily lives. To that end, we expect that our families significantly reduce or eliminate the use of electronic media for their children.
We ask for complete elimination of electronic media during the school week, Sunday late afternoon to Friday after school. We realize that limiting or eliminating media from your child's life might feel like a tall order. However with support and reassurance, families may find that more free time means more creative and quality time together.
Behavior Policy
At Sanderling we emphasize a positive approach to all behavior expectations. We seek to provide a wholesome, nurturing environment where students may strive towards their highest potential within a school community based on respect and courtesy. Students are expected to speak and behave in a manner consistent with a respect and appreciation for the dignity and worth of every member of the community and of the school itself. For the entire policy in a downloadable document, click here.
Dress Code
We strive to create a working and learning environment that is as free as possible from distracting influences, and attempt to find a middle path between uniforms on the one hand and extreme styles on the other. To read our entire dress code policy, click here.
Drop Off & Pick Up Policies
Please find the drop off and pick up policies for the Carlsbad and Shadowridge Campuses here.