Watch Betty Staley’s Talk “Tending the Spark” Lighting the Future for Middle School Students.


Tending the Spark - Lighting the Future for Middle School Students, addresses the complexities and challenges of guiding pre-adolescents through the difficult transition into adolescence, offering valuable insights and guidance for parents, educators, and psychologists. The Waldorf approach of Sanderling Waldorf School, which serves children from 16 months to 8th grade, shares the vision of nurturing each child's unique potential and cultivating a love for learning.

A profound understanding of children's internal and external needs and aspirations is a fundamental part of the Waldorf philosophy, aligning with the insight and compassion discussed in the book. By promoting an environment that values holistic growth and enthusiasm for learning, Sanderling Waldorf School demonstrates its commitment to supporting students on their journey from childhood to adolescence.