Frequently Asked Question & Sanderling Parent Testimonials


Parent, Lara Schaefer shares:

“I’ve recently witnessed, first-hand, the journey of my oldest son, Drake, and his transition into our 7th-grade public school after six years at Sanderling. Drake just finished his first semester at Diegueno Middle School with straight A’s (and two of those being an A+). If Drake was able to accomplish this after all of the adversities he has had to overcome, then I believe your children will too.

Drake started in public school in kindergarten. It was a great school with kind teachers and staff, but they were pushing reading and writing so heavily and Drake just wasn’t ready. It was causing significant stress for Drake and he was struggling in school. I could see this bright light in him starting to dim more and more each day and his father and I were getting concerned. One of the advisors told us that if we didn’t move Drake into a more rigorous program with extra support, Drake would never learn to read and be illiterate. Her words crushed me and infuriated us both enough that we decided to move Drake to Sanderling for first grade. 

The Sanderling Waldorf School welcomed Drake with open arms, encouraged him to play and move and be a child again, and helped build confidence in himself by allowing him to learn to read and write at the pace that was best for him. Slowly his stress and anxiety started to melt away and he was coming back to the child I knew. Drake learned to read and write in fourth grade, which was much later than his peers, but his Waldorf teachers were never concerned or pressured him to move at a faster pace as they knew it was important for him to follow his own path. I’m proud to report that Drake now loves to read, just finished English Honors with an A, and recently tested at a Lexile (reading and comprehension score) of a 10th-grade level; far from illiterate, if you ask me!

Hawkins, my younger son, has been at Sanderling since he was three years old, is now in third grade, and is also thriving. What I can say having been at Sanderling for the last seven years is that Sanderling will not only prepare your child to meet the academics of a new school, but it will empower them with the confidence required to embrace change, confront challenges head-on, and overcome the adversities life throws their way. Will there be transitions, likely a few tears, and days when they don’t know how to do a certain math problem or have to learn how to complete their work on a computer? Yes, it’s almost guaranteed. But what transition to a new job or a new place in life doesn’t present new opportunities and learning lessons? This is how we grow. 

What I can say with confidence is that if you continue your journey with Sanderling Waldorf, your child will have something unique instilled deep inside them that goes far beyond being able to do an advanced math problem on a worksheet. They will be able to look another human in the eye, shake their hand when they meet them, and know how to be present. They will have a love of learning and a passion for greatness. They will desire social connection over looking down at the screen on a phone, and have the confidence needed to be brave and engage with others rather than choosing to check out. They will understand that kindness is important, and have the tools living within them to communicate, work through disagreements, and find resolution. They will be empowered and have the will and drive to do and be more while always believing in themselves and their abilities. 

What I’ve realized through my years at Sanderling is that a Waldorf education doesn’t just prepare your child for the next school and an academic journey of success, it also prepares your child with the skills and tools needed to live a life of joy. In my opinion, there’s no greater gift I could give my children than that.”

Melissa Duncanson